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Health Resources

Health Resources

Please note: The web sites below come from Statewide School Health Services Center. The center makes no claim as to the accuracy of any information presented on other internet sites and is not responsible for their content.


Good nutrition is an essential aspect of healthy living.  Promoting good nutrition in the school setting impacts student achievement and allows for the development towards healthy adults. The following resources are provided for school nurses, students, parents and the school community to access and assist in promoting good nutrition and healthy living.

  • National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion:Healthy Youth
  • Nutrition-Food Pyramid Book and Game:An Educator'sReference Desk Lesson Plan
  • USDA/ARS Children's Nutrition Research Center at Baylor College of Medicine
  • American Dietetic Association
  • Nutrition and Children
  • NY State Education Department- Child Nutrition Knowledge Center

Healthy Schools: 

A healthy school environment promotes and enhances a safe and positive learning atmosphere for students and staff.  The following are available resources that will assist in achieving that environment. National Association of State Boards of Education: Healthy Schools

  • Healthy Schools Network
  • US Environmental Protection Agency
  • New York Healthy Schools Network
  • New York State Board of Regent's Bill of Rights: Environmental Quality in Our School
  • New York State Association for Superintendents of School Buildings and Grounds
  • Health and Safety Committees
  • Wellness Policy -

Physical Activity -Healthy Kids 

Physical activity is necessary in the school setting.  Promoting physical  activity enhances a healthy lifestyle.Studies have evidenced that physical activity increases the students ability to achieve academic success.

  • Fact Sheet-Physical Activity and Health
  • Physical Activity and Health Executive Summary
  • Statewide Center for Healthy Schools
  • American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
  • American Academy of Pediatrics:Physical Fitness and Activity in Schools
  • Kids Source:Promoting Physical Activity and Excercise among Children

Weight Control:      

Obesity is an increasing problem among school age children.  This problem affects children current and future health status.  Research hasshown obesity in children impacts their school performance and socialization development. The following are resources available to assist in weight control measures in the school setting.

  • American Heart Association: Overweight in Children
  • NIDDK: Health Information: WeightLoss and Control
  • Circulation: Understanding Obesity in Youth
  • President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
  • National Eating Disorders Association
  • Weight-control Information Network

Dental Health:     

Over the past several years oral health in children has improved significantly. Schools and parents are instrumental in promoting good  oral health practices. The resources provided can assist in this process.

  • National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Oral Health Resources
  • National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research-Snack Smart for Healthy Teeth
  • American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
  • KidsHealth for Parents
  • Academy of General Denistry